Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cooking class # 9--Pâtés and Terrines

For a long time I've wanted to know how to make a pâté or terrine! Today we made 3 different kinds.

Chicken liver pâ(pâté de foie de volaille) resembles a meatloaf, but is always eaten cold, often with some good crusty bread. It consists of a mixture of chicken livers, ground pork, and bacon. The flavor comes from shallots, garlic, herbs, hazelnuts and some brandy. Normally this marinates 24 hours, but since we didn't have that kind of time, we marinated it for 30 minutes and then cooked it in the oven for 1 1/2 hours. It has a wonderful flavor and very nice consistency.

Salmon Terrine (terrine de saumon). Terrine simply refers to the name of the container that this is usually made in. Like the pâté, this is a simple recipe: cooked salmon mixed with butter, yogurt, lemon juice and chives . The mixture gets pressed into a loaf pan and chilled 45 minutes in the refrigerator. It is served as a first course with some crusty bread and a bit of mayonnaise (homemade would be really good), or even with some guacamole.

Mango Terrine (terrine de mangue) is a lovely dessert, if you like mango. It can be served with some sorbet and a butter cookie. The technique is to layer in a small loaf pan a puree of mango (made of pureed mango, sugar syrup, finely chopped mint and gelatine to thicken the puree) with thinly sliced mango. The terrine solidifies after 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. This terrine can also be made with strawberries, peaches or apricots.

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